︎︎︎ Sitara Systems
︎︎︎ Cash App
︎︎︎ Brown Political Review
︎︎︎ Nickelodeon
︎︎︎ Black Math
Iris Xie
Welcome to my page! I’m an NYC-based visual and graphic designer with a background in brand design, illustration, and animation. I’m currently an information designer at Sitara Systems, using technologies to build user experiences for cultural institutions.
︎ Contact me for freelance and commissioned works!
︎ Class project for Typography 3 with professor Ramon Tejada.
︎ Typeface designed on Illustrator, poster jacket and book designed on InDesign. Printed, folded, and saddle stitched at RISD’s Design Center rm 301. ︎︎︎Animation︎︎︎shot on a downshooter setup with Dragonframe 4.
Paradise is the marriage between a book, poster, and typeface all based on the idea of multiplicity. We started with Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche’s TEDTalk, The Danger of a Single Story, and contended with its message that a single story flattens one’s experience. The idea of multiplicity is reflected in my designed typeface, Funstraw Variable, and I explored the dynamics of type styling in the poster jacket. The book contents were curated with the help of my friends, and all have to do with platforming subversive voices.